Will the 636 circuit board work for the 1500 and 1600 gate openers?
Question: The manual for my gate opener is 1500/1600. Will the 636 circuit board work on both models?
Answer: Hi Dave, the Apollo 636 is for a dual...
Do you have a remote that replaces the CPTK1PH that will work with a 390 MHz 26 bit hid system?
Brian from Nevada needs the following information: I'm reaching out to you in regards to the remote model CPTK1PH. It seems that this has been disc...
Is there a list of different type and brand wired keypads I can use with the Apollo 1550 ETL gate system?
Mike from South Carolina asked. Question: I have an Apollo 1550ETL gate opener and the remote keypad they had on it was a linear ak-11. I was wonde...
Why does my system stop working making me reset the motherboard to get it to work again on the Apollo 350 ETL??
Moi from Texas sent us the following question. Question: Hi I have a question about my Apollo 3500ETL, why does my system stop working making me re...
Is there any maintenance (lubrication) needed for the gate actuators of the Apollo 1650-ETL solar powered gate?
I have to tell you that I love getting posts like the one from our friend Tom in Arizona. Question: I've just bought a home that has what appears t...
LiftMaster CPWR Receiver
OK folks lets talk a little about the LiftMaster CPWR receiver which has been discontinued and is never coming back… I had the audacity of asking t...
I am having trouble getting my gate to work with my 2014 GMC built in remote system...
Marty in Alberta, Canada sent us this question: Good morning, I am having trouble getting my gate to work with my 2014 GMC built in remote system I...
I need to contact Verizon to hook up a dedicated phone line for the modem. Does the keypad use that same phone line when the option is selected to dial a resident’s phone number?
Lamar of Royal Ridge asked: I need to contact Verizon to hook up a dedicated phone line for the modem. Does the keypad use that same phone line whe...
Can I use a car sticker with the Liftmaster model CSL24V?
Omar in Carolina, Puerto Rico asks… Can I use a car sticker with the Liftmaster model ?
Answer: Hello Omar, I am going to assume that by “sticker” ...
Will I impact your warranty by attaching the KNOX device directly to your opener control box?
Merritt from California asked us… I have recently had installed your Liftmaster LA500 solar gate opener. I have had to purchase a KNOX Key Switch a...
Secura Key ACP Panel Commercial Installation question.
Randell in the Marshall Islands asks… 1. One "panel" handles two doors. How big is the panel and where do people usually mount it? 2. Does each do...
Liftmaster 3 Button Passport Clicker Reprogramming Instructions
Judy from Vancouver asked a quite common question… We have a motorized sliding gate and Liftmaster 3 button Passport clicker model CPTK. We recentl...