Eagle Access Control
9 products
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Eagle Access Control is an innovative provider of gate operators for a wide range of applications. The company was established in 1998 and is well known for the Eagle-2000 Slide Gate Operator, a cutting-edge control board that became recognized as one of the top products of its kind on the market.
The company’s founder, Joe Afriat, released this innovative product with the ability to maintain a cost-effective approach to manufacturing this item while remaining highly competitive and consulting with experts in the field.
The company was established in Sylmar, California, as a privately-owned and operated business that designs electronic access control systems. Eagle Access Control Systems is a trusted expert source for gate operating equipment, including applications that involve ironwork, access control technology, and electronics.
The company’s owner became a leader in the field by manufacturing unique, advanced systems that secured its foundation with a solid reputation while expanding on its existing line of products, accessories, and solutions.
Eagle Access Control Systems’ products and services are backed by research and evaluation to ensure the gate operators are among the top in the industry. The company offers a full line of AC and DC operators, which can be customized to fit a variety of structures, including commercial, industrial, and residential options. Eagle Access Control offers competitive warranty coverage, which protects both slide and swing-type gate operators for all applications.
The company’s gate operating systems are manufactured in North America, including circuit boards, inspections, testing, and assembly. Eagle Access Control offers complete services and support with engineering experts, professionally-trained manufacturers, and a research and development team.
The company offers a solid customer service team focused on addressing inquiries and ensuring the optimal quality of all products and their function. Eagle Access Control is committed to excellent workmanship, durability, and customer satisfaction.