Need reliable photoeyes for a combustion-sensitive environment? | All Security Equipment

If you're the owner of a building that's combustion-sensitive, then you know how important it is to have reliable photoeyes in place. But what are the best photoeyes for this type of environment? Keep reading for some tips on the right photoeye for your needs.

EMX IRB-EXP Explosion-Proof Photoeye

The IRB-EXP photoeye is used as a safety, reversing, or opening device in conjunction with automatic operators. The IRB-EXP will work with any control board that accepts dry contact on the input. The easy-to-install IRB-EXP is used with garage doors, rolling doors, parking barriers, and other equipment.

The EMX IRB-EXP photoeye was designed for explosive environments.The rugged explosion proof beam can act as a safety, reversing or opening device alongside automatic operators without fail. The explosion proof photo beam sensor features a 24° sensing angle for easy installation and alignment, as well an operating range of up to 115 ft.

The lens-less design of this explosion proof photoeye has many benefits including less sensitivity to fog, dust, and snow. It can also withstand harsh sunlight which makes it accurate in regard to explosions.


Some of the features that make this EMX IRB-EXP photoeye ideal for a combustion-sensitive environment are its NEMA 4 and 7 housing, copper-free aluminum with epoxy finish; through beam design which does not get impacted by shiny surfaces or moist environments like rain, fog, dirt, etc., modulated infrared rays to lessen any harmful effects from sunlight - all these things together mean one less thing you need worry about on your next project.


The EMX IRB-EXP photoeye is specifically designed for explosive environments. If your building falls into this category, then it's important to have reliable photoeye in place. We recommend the EMX IRB-EXP for its durability and performance in explosive atmospheres. Contact us today at (800)-730-8382 to learn more about this product and how it can benefit your business.

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