Linear Serial to Ethernet converter | All Security Equipment

A serial to Ethernet converter is sometimes referred to as a serial device server, a terminal server or a serial over TCP/IP server, however all these names are simply different names for the same type of device which basically converts serial RS232, RS485 or RS422 data to Ethernet packets and Ethernet packets to serial RS232, RS485 or RS422 data (it is bi-directional). The serial Ethernet converter has it's own IP address which is why it sometimes is referred to as a server.

The most common and widely used Serial to Ethernet converter is the 1-port serial RS232 to Ethernet converter. This type of converter converts one serial RS232 port to Ethernet packets and Ethernet packets to serial RS232 data.

The AM-SEK Serial-to-Ethernet Kit provides a standard network TCP/IP connection for Linear’s AM3Plus, AE1000Plus, and AE2000Plus access controllers. The module can be used as an alternative to a traditional telephone modem typically used for remote access to Plus panel controllers.

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