Integrated Security Solutions: Integrating Your Perimeter Alarm System | All Security Equipment

Threats are everywhere, which is why investing in multi-layered security solutions is a must. Automatic openers, locks, sensors, and access controls are necessary for keeping intruders at bay. Perimeter alarm systems are also significant integrations that act as an invisible fence to improve security and emergency response.

When the system detects an unauthorized entry, it will set off the alarm to alert the homeowner or building security personnel so that they can act on it immediately.

Components of the Integrated Alarm System

The integrated perimeter alarm system is an outdoor security system that monitors the property using security devices. These devices can cover entry points and perimeter walls for enhanced boundary protection.

The integrated alarm system is composed of:

The Control Panel. This is the brain of the system. It processes the data transmitted by the sensors and manages the entire system, such as changing the settings for arming and disarming the sensors.

Sensors. These are the physical devices that detect discrepancies within their range. They monitor the surroundings and transmit information to the control panel when they sense anomalies. Many different types of sensors, such as motion sensors and seismic sensors, are used in a perimeter alarm system.

Alarm. If the sensor communicates a security breach, the alarm will sound to alert the homeowners, neighbors, or the security team. The siren usually emits sounds ranging from 100 to 130 decibels, which is almost as loud as a lawnmower or a jet taking off. However, not all perimeter alarm systems emit a siren. Some systems have silent alarms that directly alert the security monitoring service or law enforcement without drawing any attention.

Monitoring Service. Alarm monitoring services are professional services that property owners can subscribe to. If a perimeter alarm system is connected to a professional monitoring service, the control panel will directly alert them in case of a breach. The operators will review the perimeter and alert the law enforcement unit if needed, which is relevant if the owners are away.

Integrating these components in a single network enables the property owners to monitor the vicinity and provide immediate response when necessary.

Types of Perimeter Sensors

The perimeter alarm system may use different sensors for detecting different situations. The most common are:

  • Motion Detector Sensors. These sense movement within the security camera’s range of view. They are often installed in entry points like gates and doors, as well as large open spaces.
  • Door and Window Sensors. These are contact sensors installed in doors and windows that set off the alarm if they are ajar. They are an essential layer of the perimeter security system that prevents burglary and illegal access through these key entry points.
  • Vibration and Seismic Sensors. These sensors are attached to walls or perimeter fences or are buried along the perimeter of the property. The sensors can detect ground movement or disturbances that may indicate an unauthorized presence within the area. Seismic and vibration sensors are discreet but are effective security measures in case someone attempts a break-in by climbing the surrounding walls.
  • Laser Sensors. Laser sensors are innovative motion detection sensors that use a series of mirrors to cast an invisible light beam in the surroundings. If someone gets in the way, the beam is disrupted, and the alarm is triggered.
  • Glass Break Sensors. These sensors are ideal for glass doors and windows. They are designed to detect and send a signal when the glass is broken. Technically, they are sound-based sensors that pick up the sound of smashing or breaking glass.
  • Fire Alarm Sensors. Fire alarms are integrated into the perimeter alarm not for third-party protection but for protection from fire-related incidents. Fire and smoke sensors detect particles from the smoke or a certain level of heat and trigger the alarm. These sensors ensure a quick response to protect assets and people within the building.

Reasons to Integrate Your Perimeter Alarm System

An integrated alarm system supports the security measures of every home and building that extends beyond basic security. Multi-layered security systems provide several benefits, such as:

Robust Perimeter Security

The round-the-clock monitoring of property ensures that your property is under tight watch at all times and without failure. Your perimeter alarm system serves as the first line of defense to protect the property and everybody inside the facility.

Intrusion Detection and Deterrence

The entire perimeter alarm system works hard to prevent unauthorized and forced entries. The presence of security cameras and alarms is usually enough to scare away potential intruders with the high possibility of being caught.

Quick Response

Alarm systems provide real-time alerts of the activity on site. If the system is monitored, it will automatically alert law enforcement for immediate response. The professional monitoring and security team can quickly assess the situation and deploy assistance when necessary.

Enhanced Situational Awareness

Integrated perimeter alarm systems do not only function by alerting the concerned security units and neighborhood. The audio and video surveillance feature of the system also enables owners to monitor their property for real-time activity in the area.

They can quickly identify suspicious behavior of passers-by or people near the facility and take precautionary steps to prevent any illegal activities.

Peace of Mind

A robust perimeter alarm system gives owners confidence and peace of mind. They can sleep soundly through the night or leave the property, knowing that it is well-protected from outside forces. These systems can be managed remotely, so owners can have total control of their property even when away.

Securing Your Home With a Perimeter Alarm System

Installing a solid and reliable perimeter alarm system is a significant investment and an addition to your other home security solutions. It ensures proactive alerts to facilitate immediate action and goes a long way toward preventing incidents.

Don’t leave your home vulnerable. Aim for multi-layer perimeter protection and integrate a reliable alarm system which you can find at All Security Equipment.

Contact our customer service for specific products or assistance today and see what more you can do to improve your home security.

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